Help someone's dream come true.

I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.

Help someone's dream come true.

I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.

Help someone's dream come true.

I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.


We have reached so far!

Widows deserve to live with dignity. Help them fight this Pandemic.
DONATE for Widows' empowerment !!! Empowering a widow can have Multifold Impact!

Donation goal

₹ 4,50,000

Donation raised

₹ 3,50,000

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Popular causes

Half of children's population Deprived of Education

₹ 1,02,300 raised of ₹ 3,50,600

The Broken Heart: Widow Suicide

₹ 1,20,356 raised of ₹ 1,65,000

When hope is hungry, everything feeds it.

New Born Life Foundation works for widows, poor women, children and elderly people affected by poverty. The organization is devoted to ensuring that every child can exercise his or her basic right to a quality education. We are also working on protecting animals from any sort of abuse .

New Born Baby

What can be worst than this, getting parentless on the first night of coming into this world, which have a lot of twist and turns, its worst to be called orphaned. Please help these little infants.


Losing your companion and living a life full of fear and stress. You are fortunate enough that your love is by your side. Let's come and unite as one to help the widows and make them smile.

Elderly People

Working hard throughout the life, sacrificing own desires for furture generation and nowadays the new generation carries a thankless attitude and leave their old parents in the old age homes at the time when they require love, care and emotional support.


Education is the only means which can reduce the poverty rate in india, millons of children aren't able to attain education due to poverty and unawareness, so lets unite as one and contribute for the education of children and make future of india bright.

Animal Care

His paw on my foot on the street made me greet it and it delighted the lost puppy. Animals don't talk but are filled with emotion will share a bond with you for lifetime.

Blind People

Setting smile on the face who have lost everything. They aren't lucky like you to see the world. So let's brighten up there life and add a little light to the people living in a dark world.


Fundraising events,Please join.

We try to come alongside people and interact with our supporters so that they know that we see them, we’re with them, and we’re in this together.

Street Dog Shelter

Aug 25, 2020 (10 AM)

Free food supply for needy people

Aug 25, 2020 (10 AM)


Your small contribution will support!

Sheenu's baby is fighting for her life and we need your support to save her

There are many tubes piercing her tender skin, and she is surrounded by many machines Her tiny little soul has to endure all this for her life Sheenu's premature baby girl was 6 months 20 days and was born on 10th May 2024 and weighs 600 grams and since then she is admitted in NICU Cloudnine Hospital Kids Clinic India Limited Faridabad and is battling for life and death The family is worried about the baby's condition Cursing their fate, they are helplessly wandering the corridors of the hospital, waiting for the doctors to share an update about their baby's health They have spent all the money they have earned so far, but now, it is not enough to continue the treatment Slowly and steadily things seem to be getting worse The doctors have informed that without immediate treatment the baby may not survive anymore He works hard in a clothes shop to support his family The new born baby needs your support now more than ever He cannot afford her treatment from his income He cannot see his angel suffering any more Please help save their baby Premature babies need to stay in ventilator NICU for at least few months to increase the chances of survival Because the baby was born before the time period, due to which his lungs could not develop and the baby also has difficulty in breathing Our baby is in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for the last 28 days The doctors are trying their best to help him gain the required weight, which is impossible for them to accomplish The parents have already taken several loans, sold valuables and borrowed money from friends and family Neck deep in debt, they have nowhere to turn for help They desperately need your support at this time They have tried everything and still unable to save their baby New Born Life Foundation is helping premature babies Please help us too so that we can save their baby as soon as possible

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New Born Baby Needs Ventilator Care But We Can't Afford It Please Help Us

Their son was born during the 8th month of pregnancy, he had slight breathing problems and was of normal weight, a few months after birth he was immediately taken to the city hospital, advised for admission, he was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. He was taken to the intensive care unit (ICU), and he followed their recommendation. Unresponsive, he was put on a ventilator, fortunately, after a few hours of medical treatment, there was some improvement in the child's condition," said Meenakshi, adding that Meenakshi's son's condition remained critical, and the doctors prescribed additional treatment. Treatment is recommended, which will cost of Treatment approx ₹ 1.3-1.5 lakhs.
Her husband works as a worker in a private company and earns very little income and struggles to meet their daily needs. He has till now borrowed money from people to pay the hospital bills and he is still struggling to repay those loans. He is their only child who needs him. How will he raise such a huge amount? Meenakshi has not got a chance to raise her child properly. They are ready to do anything to save their child's life but financial difficulties have forced them to made helpless
Her child deserves another chance Donate now and help save her life Each donation will contribute to giving her a new ray of hope to live free from worries.
They are in dire need of your support at this time they have tried everything but still can't save their baby New Born Life Foundation is helping those babies who are born prematurely please also help us so that we can save their child as soon as possible

Paytm, Phone Pe, Gpay
New Born Life Foundation Team

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HELP 18-Year-Old Ashish Tiwari who is suffering from Distel Femur Right High Grade Sarcoma Cancer

18-year-old Ashish Tiwari is suffering from Distel Femur Right High Grade Sarcoma Cancer (High grade In high-grade soft tissue sarcoma, the cancer cells look more abnormal under a microscope and grow and spread more quickly than in low- grade and mid-grade soft tissue sarcoma) It all started 1year ago when Ashish Tiwari suddenly got hurt Soon he started running a high fever and became so weak that he couldn’t even call his parents for help Then it was found that big and thick blisters started to appear on his feet Slowly his feet started to dissolvable Seeing all this, the parents were very upset that what is happening to their child No medicine was curing him, so their parents brought him to Mumbai, as their brother works here Their parents own a small land piece of on which he lived and he then came to Mumbai He had to sell that piece of land for his child Now coming to Mumbai, Sanjay Kumar Tiwari (father) is working as a security guard who earns 12000 a per month This family lived a simple life but everything changed when was diagnosed with cancer He is admitted in Tata memorial hospital, parel, Mumbai under the supervision of Doctor The cost of treatment wll be 2 lakh 50 thousand estimated by the hospital Doctors has recommended him chemotherapy and surgery treatment The desperate parents can’t even afford the basic medicines that their son requires let alone his cancer treatment They need 1 lakhs more and will not be able to save their sun without your help On the behalf of the family NEW BORN LIFE FOUNDATION request to one and to all kindly help this family to raise the required funds and give Ashish Tiwari the gift of life Hopefully, all your funds and prayers will help to save this baby life

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Please support baby of Rajkumari suffering from premature baby

Baby with low birth weight/chronic lung disease Help the prematurely born baby of Rajkumari.
The newborn baby of the Rajkumari is suffering from low birth weight and chronic lung disease. She is admitted to NARAYANA MOTHER AND CHILD CARE CENTER hospital in New Born & Child Hospital was referred Urugram Haryana is in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) on a mechanical ventilator.
The young child is struggling with her life and is suffering from respiratory distress syndrome, chronic lung disease and retinal neovascularisation. Doctors say that he needs a minimum of 5 weeks to recover from chronic lung disease and reduce his oxygen requirement.
The hospital has advised an estimate of 3,00,000 which is impossible to collect by his parents Pradeep Kumar (father) does a private job per month earn ₹12,000.
The economic condition is so bad that they are badly trapped.
The only way to save his life is to raise money So your sympathy for the little one will contribute to his life.
New Born Life Foundation on behalf of his parents requests you to come forward and help them Your contribution will help this family get through this terrible time and bring their last hope home.

Paytm, Phone Pe, Gpay
New Born Life Foundation Team

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“While the lovely valley teems vapour around me, and the sunda strikes the upper ground”


A step Ahead to make a change

Your dreams are worth fighting for!
The new born life foundation is working hard to make EVERY DREAM COME TRUE !!
We are providing free online skill training for widows "work from home" helping them to earn money by purchasing their home made products/articles. We are working hard to provide free books to underprivileged children during this pandemic COVID-19. We are working for the improvement of life conditions of stray animal population, especially cows and dogs, and raising public awareness against animal cruelty.

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